Friday funnies

Since I am lazy and unoriginal, I will regurgitate some funny and interesting things I’ve come across recently –

Bush insults a blind reporter
Connie Chung’s career suicide musical send-off
Classic video games re-animated with everyday items
I Feel Great (Nutri-Grain commercial) Ooongfph!
Amazing two-guitar performance of Super Mario Brothers theme music
Folgers Happy Morning commercial (brings to mind vague images of the Oompa Loompas in psychedelica)
Rollin’ with Bob Saget (“I got a trigger finger itchier than chicken pox”)
William Shatner vs. George Lucas (Star Trek and Star Wars fans may find this video of Shatner singing to Lucas amusing)
Hilarious “brush up on your English” commercial
Reporter vs. Snake (it’s old but still hilarious)
Amazing Wushu broadsword performance

And for you software techies out there, The Daily WTF is one of my new favorite feeds. Great anecdotes showcasing instances when software development goes ever so terribly but amusingly wrong. This collection of funny dialog boxes is a great intro to the site.

Another fun finding this week was Sternest Meanings, a web- and instant-messager-based anagram generator that produces consistently good results. Some funny examples:

  • Leonardo Dicaprio: Periodic anal odor.
  • Osama Bin Laden: A damn alien S.O.B.
  • Condoleezza Rice: Crazed ozone lice.
  • Fatboy Slim: My fat boils.
  • Angelina Jolie: I join anal glee.
  • Kevin Federline: Fiend-like nerve.
  • War on Terrorism: Warrior monster.
  • Leonardo Da Vinci: Vindaloo and rice.

From Clint:

  • George Bush: O, he buggers!
  • George W. Bush: He grew bogus.
  • Donald Rumsfeld: Muddler of lands.
  • Saddam Hussein: UN’s said he’s mad.
  • Ann Coulter: Unclean rot.
  • Colin Powell: Low, nice poll.
  • Taliban: Bit anal?

Reminds me of the good ol’ days when Jerry and I would sit in class creating our own anagrams and palindromes by hand. That’s just how cool we were!

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