Category Archives: politics

The presidential debate was full of words, part 2

I’m a little late in following up my previous post, but I was curious how last week’s debate Wordle looked like broken down by each candidate.




I wish Wordle had a B.S. detection option. But such a thing would be overworked during election season…

“We’re sorry, this application is not available at the moment due to high levels of bullshit.”

Tonight’s debate: Full of words.

Wordle visualizes which ones were most common:

(click the image to see the original Wordle generated from the debate transcripts)

How’s this for “elitist”?

From today’s Quotation of the Day list mailing:

“Before I became governor of the great state of Alaska I was mayor of my hometown…. I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a community organizer, except that you have actual responsibilities.”

– Sarah Palin, U.S. Republican Vice-presidential nominee, mocking Democratic Presidential candidate Barack Obama’s experience as a community organizer.

In response to Palin’s comment, some person unknown quipped “Jesus was a community organizer. Pontius Pilate was a governor.” The slogan quickly appeared on t-shirts offered for sale on-line.

*Sigh*. Is it too late to nominate someone else? I’m sure he wouldn’t charge rape victims for their own rape kits.


I was just now looking at the Barack Obama Wikipedia article and was surprised to learn about his religion:

Obama, how could you???

I refreshed the wiki article, and the vandalism disappeared. Click here to see what it looked like when it was active.

Reality is what you can get away with

I enjoyed this brief glimpse of the underbelly of Apple’s product marketing. An interviewer asks a touchy question about iTunes acting as a monopoly, and Apple’s PR folks start to freak out:

(video link)

Such is the ugly reality of companies attempting to control expectations.

If only all politicians would admit this…

“Looking back at the age of eighty-eight over the fifty-seven years of my political work in England, knowing what I aimed at and the results, meditating on the history of Britain and the world since 1914, I see clearly that I achieved practically nothing. The world today and the history of the human anthill during the last fifty-seven years would be exactly the same as it is if I had played pingpong instead of sitting on committees and writing books and memoranda. I have therefore to make the rather ignominious confession to myself and to anyone who may read this book that I must have in a long life ground through between 150,000 and 200,000 hours of perfectly useless work.”

– Leonard Woolf, from The Journey Not the Arrival Matters.