Please study these items from the LRH technical terminology reference carefully. Professional illustrations are provided to illustrate difficult concepts:
Please study these items from the LRH technical terminology reference carefully. Professional illustrations are provided to illustrate difficult concepts:
Posted in bizarre, jargon, meaningless, news, religion
Scientology is weird.
Water is wet!
(do not be afraid, Supressive Person; click the image above to expand the thetan within)
The hilarious headlines keep on coming. Kathryn found this one today:
It makes me wonder… if more people practiced birth control, would there be less cockfighting?
Kathryn’s parents live in Hilton Head, and came across this hilarious bit of local news:
Deputy finds man punching shrub
Published: Monday, January 22nd, 2007
A 23-year-old Hilton Head Island man was charged with public disorderly conduct after a deputy observed him ‘in a physical confrontation with shrubs’ at 8:27 p.m. Saturday at Carolina First, 401 William Hilton Parkway, according to a Beaufort County Sheriff’s Report.
Responding to a complaint that a man tried to get into a stranger’s car, a deputy called over to the suspect, who was punching vegetation. The man then ran across the bank parking lot to kick one last bush before talking to police, reports said.
He reportedly smelled of alcohol and was taken to the Beaufort County Detention Center, where he is being held for prosecution, according to the jail’s online log.
The absolute best words to come out of airport security officials are related to “monkey helper” guidelines posted at the bottom of this Transportation Security Administration page:
“TSOs have been trained to not touch the monkey during the screening process.”
Dieter would be offended. “Vould you like to touch my monkey? Touch him! Love him! Liebe meine abst-monkey.”
Thanks to jwz for the find.
Incidentally, why is it that the only items under the “makeup and personal items” category on this page that are disallowed from checked luggage are “lip gels such as Carmex or Blistex”? Every other cosmetic item is allowed on checked luggage besides Blistex! What is so special about lip ointment??
So it’s OK to check knives and not Blistex? Say what????
Our friends Jon and Kate tried to take their son Iain to the Mill Mountain zoo yesterday, but were asked to leave the mountain because this happened:
A Japanese monkey aptly named Oops bolted from the Roanoke city zoo, sparking a park-wide shutdown as staff searched the surrounding forest where they could hear her in the trees.
To celebrate National Day Of Slayer (today is 06/06/06), check out the novelty lounge version of Slayer’s song “War Ensemble” amid this medley of samples from Richard’s Cheese‘s album “I’d Like A Virgin”. Also noteworthy is the haunting Tori Amos version of Raining Blood.
I got this interesting news contradiction in my newsreader this morning:
Here is a similar occurrence noted by Farksters: Image link.
Posted in news
After many false starts I think I’ve found the best new front end for WordPress 2.0. I’ve even managed to pull in all my old LiveJournal posts (not that they have any intrinsic value or anything, other than occupying space on the machine). Things still aren’t yet looking great in IE but I’ll fix that soon. It feels good to be getting away from the dreaded
Be sure to have a look at the blogroll and “ stuff” links in the sidebar for other stuff to see.
Posted in news