Monthly Archives: March 2006

Can God make a rock so big that he can’t lift it?

A good answer to this logical trap is:

“Yes, and then he would lift it.”

(thanks to Clint for the quote)

Important appointments

I recently switched to Calendarhub, an online calendaring app, so I could access my calendar from any machine. Last week I found the following appointment had been entered for me for an upcoming Saturday morning:

Milk and/or shave a goat.

When I saw that my first thought was, did someone hack into my online calendar? But then it dawned on me that Kathryn found my open browser window and entered the appointment on my behalf.

At least I get to choose between milking and shaving. Goats can be moody you know. Though I’m guessing a shaved goat is easier to milk, unless she’s insecure about the whole bald thing.