Uses of Class

Packages that use VectorIndividualCGP

Uses of VectorIndividualCGP in ec.cgp

Methods in ec.cgp with parameters of type VectorIndividualCGP
static java.lang.Object[] Evaluator.evaluate(ec.EvolutionState state, int threadNum, java.lang.Object[] inputs, VectorIndividualCGP ind)
          Evaluate the genome against the given inputs.

Uses of VectorIndividualCGP in ec.cgp.problems

Methods in ec.cgp.problems with parameters of type VectorIndividualCGP
(package private)  boolean[] ClassificationProblem.eval(ec.EvolutionState state, int threadnum, java.lang.Object[] inputs, Record rec, VectorIndividualCGP ind)
          Sets the inputs, runs the Cartesian Genetic Program, and returns the results of classification.

Uses of VectorIndividualCGP in ec.cgp.representation

Subclasses of VectorIndividualCGP in ec.cgp.representation
 class FloatVectorIndividual
          Float-based genome representation of a Cartesian Genetic Program.
 class IntegerVectorIndividual
          Integer-based genome representation of a Cartesian Genetic Program.